sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

European citizenship.

This Christmas, we are working in a quite unknown topic, the European citizenship. As we are european, we have some rights that other countries which are not from the European Union have not.
One of those rights is the right to vote in the european country where we are living at that moment, and we can stand as a candidate in elections. Moreover, we have freedom of movement, which means that we can travel to any country of the European Union with only carrying our identity card with us. If we have any problem there, we also have the right to ask for protection.
This are ones of the many right we have as part of the EU, so it's quite good, isn't it?
Take advantage of you rights and use them!

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Trip to Paris

Hi again!

This time, we have done a very interesting presentation about a trip we would like to do. We have decided that Paris would be the most appropriate city to go all together to enjoy ourselves and have fun. Moreover, we believe that in Paris there are many different cultures living together. Also, we would take advantage to know each other as a group and it would be interesting to live together few days.

 Here we leave a link where you can see our trip to Paris and enjoy our brilliant plans. If you wanted to visit any day Paris, you should have a look to it and visit all the monuments we have mentioned.

Put some German in you life!

Guten morgen!
As you know know we are in a European project, and apart from English Basque and Spanish, in the first term we have studied some basics of German. We have learnt to do our presentation and to introduce ourselves to others. We think it's so interesting to know something about other languages which are so different. Moreover, we have sung a really funny song.
 Would you be able to understand what we are saying?
Here we go!

Hallo, mein name ist Maddi/Andrea und ich bin sechzehn. Ich komme aus Donostia und ich wohnne in Donostia auch. Ich bin studentin un treibe viel Sport. Ich singe ein Lied in Deutsch.

Ich bin Ausländer und spreche nicht gut Deutsch
Ich bin Ausländer und spreche nicht gut Deutsch
Bitte langsam! Bitte langsam!
Bitte sprechen Sie doch langsam!
Ich bin Ausländer und spreche nicht gut Deutsch

Ich bin Ausländer und spreche nicht gut Deutsch
Ich bin Ausländer und spreche nicht gut Deutsch
Ich versteh' nicht, was Sie sagen.
Ich versteh' nicht, was Sie sagen.
Ich bin Ausländer und spreche nicht gut Deutsch

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Much to improve

Hello again!
This time, we are writing to show you our presentation about an European Challenge. They are a lot, such as the crisis, racism, the constitution, regional differences... but we have worked hard on CITIZEN'S RIGHTS.
Here you can see our presentation: Citizen's rights

Do you like it? As you can see, there are different rights and all citizens have not all of them. Is it fair for you? We don't think so. We must work together to improve our rights and to achieve the same rights for all citizens.

We hope you like the presentation!
See you soon!

Enjoy your minority language!

 We have been studying with some minority languages because we think that they are very important for the culture of an own country. We have chosen the "Frysk", language which is a language spoken in Friesland, to do a presentation.

We add a link for you to enjoy it!
We hope you like it and learn something new!

minority language: Frysk

 We think that using minority languages help on the development and diversity of a culture. Moreover, our conclusion is that people nowadays speak less minority languages and if we continue in the same way, we will lose them. So we encourage you to speak your mother tongue!